Candida Treatment Naturopath

Natural treatment for candida from our Brisbane naturopaths

Our experienced Brisbane naturopaths can help treat Candida Albicans overgrowth and provide a return to a balanced body and relief Candida symptoms. You may be surprised how many of the issues you are experiencing are associated with Candida. Everything from thrush, to depression or digestion issues can have been contributed to an imbalance of the Candida fungus in your body.

Our naturopaths offer a range of therapies to help re-balance the natural bacteria in your body to manage and reduce the overgrowth of candida. If you'd like help treating your candida naturally book a consultation with our natural health team today.

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Naturopathy Candida Triggers

Naturopathy views some additional Candida overgrowth triggers (apart from the ones listed in - Candida Albicans) such as:

  • Altered pH
  • Chronic intestinal imbalance
  • Toxins present in the environment
  • Decreased enzyme levels
  • Low zinc
  • Excessive intake of refined carbohydrates and alcohol, inadequate fibre
  • Insufficient exercise
  • Stress

Our naturopaths will use a range of diagnositcs and tests, including the Candida Test, to help identify if a Candida imbalance is present and clausing health issues in your body.

Candida treatment Diet Vegetables

Treatment utilising the Candida overgrowth diet

The aim of a specially designed Candida overgrowth diet is to starve the Candida of the food it thrives on and provide the body with 'good' bacteria to restore balance to your system.

Foods on the 'Eat' list are low in refined carbohydrates and sugar, such as:

  • Non-starchy vegetables - broccoli, celery, spinach, tomatoes, avocado, onions, raw garlic, asparagus
  • Probiotic yoghurt
  • Organic meat - chicken, beef, lamb, turkey
  • Fish - such as sardines and wild salmon
  • Non-glutinous grain - quinoa, millet, buckwheat
  • Nuts and seeds - walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds

Foods to avoid eating to disrupt and kill off the Candida are usually full of sugar and other sweetening agents or made from highly processed ingredients. Some foods which can affect the immune system are best not eaten when ridding the body of Candida overgrowth. For example:

  • Sugars - honey, syrups (maple, golden, corn, rice), molasses, artificial sweeteners
  • Alcohol - beer, wine, spirits, cider etc
  • Grain and gluten - products made with wheat, rye, oats, barley, corn, rice
  • Fruit - fresh, dried, canned and juice
  • Starchy vegetables - potatoes (including sweet), carrots, peas, root vegetables such as yams, parsnips and beetroot
  • Meat - pork, processed meats (salami, lunch meat, etc), cured meats
  • Fish - all except those listed above, shellfish
  • Dairy - milk, cheese, cream, buttermilk
  • Beverages - coffee, black and green tea, soft drinks (all!), energy drinks, juice
  • Plus selected - nuts, beans, soy, mushrooms, condiments, vinegar, fats and oils.

Managing Candida die off carefully

Careful monitoring of your Candida diet needs to be maintained by your naturopath to manage Candida die off symptoms. Candida die off is the effect of the toxins released into the body by the Candida cells when they die. Symptoms can range from nausea, headaches, dizziness, itching, joint pain to sweating, chills and sometimes fever. Symptoms will differ between individuals. Adjusting your Candida diet can reduce die-off symptoms.

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Candida Naturopath Brisbane

Health and Healing Wellness Centre offer total holistic healthcare solutions to your Candidiasis and associated symptoms. Contact Health and Healing Wellness Centre's experienced Naturopaths to reinstate balance to your body and rid yourself of Candidiasis symptoms by calling 07 3857 8887 or completing our Naturopath consultation request.

Specific Modalities

Specific Tests

Our Naturopathy Therapists

Tina White

Anti-Ageing, Acupuncture, Biomesotherapy, Energetic Facial Release, Fertility & Pregnancy Care, Iridology, Naturopathy, Nutritional Medicine

Tina has over 30 year’s clinical practice in natural therapies. As a practitioner in naturopathy and acupuncture, Tina has remarkable insight coupled with a caring nature and is a beacon of hope for those she cares for.

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