Acupuncture & Naturopath Brisbane
Tina White
Dip. Naturopathy, Dip. Acupuncture, Dip Medical Herbalism, Dip. Holistic Massage
Therapies: Naturopath, Acupuncture
Specialty Areas:- AutoImmune
- Womens
- Pain
- Fertility
- Digestion
- Diet
- Weight management
- Personalised Nutritional Compounding
Tina White - Naturopath Brisbane
Tina has over 40 year’s clinical practice in natural therapies. As a practitioner in Naturopathy and Acupuncture, Tina has remarkable insight coupled with a caring nature and is a beacon of hope for those she serves. Having worked as a researcher, lecturer and writer, Tina has gained recognition by other healthcare professionals and stands at the cutting edge of her profession.
Book a Consultation Today
Tina offers naturopathy, acupuncture and more
- Naturopath
- Acupuncture
- Biomesotherapy
- Clinical Nutrition
- Personalised Nutraceutical Compounding
- Herbal medicine
- Environmental Medicine
- Heavy Metal and Gene Testing
- Holistic Massage
- Medicinal Herbalism
- Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
- Anti-Ageing treatments
- Aromatherapy
- Frequency Specific Microcurrent