TCM for Fatigue

Natural remedies for fatigue

Research through randomised controlled trials, supported by the World Health Organisation, have found that acupuncture is an effective method of treatment for fatigue - both the physical and mental aspects of the condition. Research also found that the therapeutic effect of acupuncture on acupoints is relatively better than that of non-acupoints in reducing mental fatigue (Wang et al. 2009) when compared to modern science.

Find out how TCM can help your fatigue

Book a consultation today with our AACMA qualified TCM practitioners to harmonise your body and mind.

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Conventional medical care is limited when treating chronic fatigue, leading many patients to use traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) therapies, including acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicines. The goal of Chinese medicine is to treat each person as an individual, addressing their unique issues and resolving any imbalances of energy that may be preventing the body from healing.

Causes and symptoms

Fatigue is a complicated symptom with varied causes and treatments. Fatigue is a common occurrence and complicated by the fact that it is a normal healthy response to physical exertion or emotional stress. Normal fatigue may begin to become abnormal if it becomes chronic or continues for a prolonged period of time. Abnormal fatigue could be a sign of a physical disorder.

According to TCM, fatigue is usually the result of a deficiency of Qi or a deficiency of Yang. Qi is the body's vital life force energy and is responsible for movement. Yang is responsible for activity and is compared to Yin which is responsible for nourishment. Damage to your Qi and Yang can be the result of overwork, mental stress, over-stimulation or under-stimulation, depression and often boredom, disease, or lack of sleep. Fatigue may vary or be described by people in different ways. Indicators that you may need treatment for fatigue include any combination of the following:

  • weakness
  • lack of energy
  • constantly tired or exhausted
  • lack of motivation
  • difficulty concentrating, or starting and completing tasks

Many people turn to conventional medications as either one-off or ongoing treatment for fatigue treatment. The good news is that for over 2000 years, Traditional Chinese Medicine has been using acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine to treat and restore the body to wellness. Acupuncture stimulates natural endorphins which relieve pain and increase a person's sense of relaxation and well-being.

How does traditional Chinese medicine work as a fatigue treatment?

Once the underlying cause of fatigue has been determined, our practitioner will develop a treatment plan to strengthen and invigorate the Qi and Yang. Specific acupuncture points and Chinese herbs are chosen according to the precise diagnosis that incorporates each area of the imbalance.

Our Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners can help you with natural remedies for fatigue. In addition to acupuncture and Chinese herbs, a healthy nutritional plan and gentle exercise program will often be incorporated for optimal energy and vitality.

Contact our team on 07 3857 8887 or complete our consultation booking request today.

Specific Modalities

  • Cellular Health Analysis
  • Detoxification Programs
  • InfraRed Sauna
  • Specific Modalities

    Specific Tests

    Our Traditional chinese medicine Therapists

    Greg Bantick

    Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Fertility & Pregnancy Care, Pain Management, Remedial Massage, Stress Management, Women's Health

    Greg Bantick has been in practice since 1975 in a wide variety of clinical settings. He has particular interests in dermatology, digestive, mood and auto-immune disorders. He is registered as a Chinese herbalist, pharmacist and acupuncturist with AHPRA CMR0001733690.

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