Food Intolerances

Worried about food intolerance issues?

Find out if your symptoms are related to a food intolerance with the help of our experienced natural health practitioners. The effects of food intolerance can be quite a distressing experience but with the right advice and diet adjustments, our team can provide holistic solutions to return your body to good health.

Looking for expert food intolerance advice? Our team of Brisbane Naturopaths are passionate about natural therapies as a way to holistically treat food intolerance. They have great results with a wide range of conditions.

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What is a food intolerance?

Food intolerance differs from a food allergy in that the body reacts to chemicals in the food, either naturally present or added. A food allergy creates a severe immune system reaction in the body, such as anaphylaxis.

Food intolerance symptoms

Symptoms of food intolerances can vary from person to person. Common reactions include:

  • hives or rashes
  • swelling
  • headaches or a migraine
  • stomach upsets or indigestion
  • bloating
  • sinus problems
  • mouth ulcers

Managing food intolerances

Identifying the specific foods which may be involved in a food intolerance is an important step in managing your symptoms. A temporary elimination diet can be used determine which foods cause symptoms. Due to the range of foods which can cause intolerances, treatment and management need to be carried out under strict dietary supervision.

Food intolerance testing Brisbane

Our team experienced naturopaths and traditional Chinese medicine practitioners can help you understand your food intolerance and present holistic advice on remaining symptom-free for a healthy lifestyle.

Specific Therapists

Greg Bantick
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Fertility & Pregnancy Care, Pain Management, Remedial Massage, Stress Management, Women's Health

Greg Bantick has been in practice since 1975 in a wide variety of clinical settings. He has particular interests in dermatology, digestive, mood and auto-immune disorders. He is registered as a Chinese herbalist, pharmacist and acupuncturist with AHPRA CMR0001733690.

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Tina White
Anti-Ageing, Acupuncture, Biomesotherapy, Energetic Facial Release, Fertility & Pregnancy Care, Iridology, Naturopathy, Nutritional Medicine

Tina has over 30 year’s clinical practice in natural therapies. As a practitioner in naturopathy and acupuncture, Tina has remarkable insight coupled with a caring nature and is a beacon of hope for those she cares for.

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Specific Therapies

Specific Treatments

Specific Tests