Nutritional Study - Children - Initial Results
Published: July 22, 2010 Last Updated: January 21, 2024
As parents, we work hard to give our children every possible advantage in life. Yet too often we don't have the time (or don't make the time) to look after their nutritional health. We're too busy. We don't completely understand what eating right means ourselves. And we're battling some pretty formidable enemies such as junk food and fast food.
Positive Results and Disturbing Trends Revealed by Global Children's Nutritional Study
To find out how you and your children can enjoy the same benefits and join this study, please contact us at the practice.
We’re not paying enough attention to nutrition
As a result, our children eat and drink too much sugar, consume too many empty calories, and don't eat enough of the good things they need - especially fresh fruits and vegetables. Because of this, our children will be at risk of developing degenerative diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and stroke at a much younger age.
Here are a few startling statistics:
- Less than 7% of all children and adolescents consume the recommended 3 servings of vegetables per day. (Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine)
- 1 child in 4 is obese. (International Journal of Obesity)
- Nearly 50% of obese adolescents remain obese as adults. (International Journal of Obesity)
- About 6% of elementary school children and 7% of adolescent children miss 11 or more days of school yearly due to illness or injury. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
- In the last 20 years, Type 2 diabetes has increased ten-fold. (International Journal of Obesity)
- By the age of 12, an estimated 70% of our children have developed the beginning stages of hardening of the arteries. (Bogalusa Heart Study)
- 3-7% of school age children suffer from ADHD. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Interim Results: Overview
The following interim results from the Children’s Health Study are based on the first 100,000 participants responding to our follow-up questionnaires.
Initial Results
- After 4-8 months participating in the trial, adult participants report that 82% of the children in the survey have become more aware of their health in general and that 90% have some positive result to show for it.
- 56% of the children have been to the doctor less often, while 49% report missing less school.
- 49% are taking less over-the-counter medication and/or taking fewer prescription drugs.
- Academic achievement and athletic participation are dramatically improved, and 45% report an improvement in image and self esteem.
Nutritional habits of children are changing as well:
- 61% are drinking more water and 66% are consuming less fast food and drinking fewer soft drinks.
- 53% are actually eating more fruits or vegetables in addition to participating in the trial.
- Adults in the survey report similar improvements in their health and nutrition. They report that 83% have themselves become more aware of their health in general and 93% have some specific positive results to show for it.
- 44% percent of the adult participants have been to the doctor less often, while 46% report missing less work due to either their own or their child's illnesses.
- 38% are taking less over the counter medication and/or taking less prescription drugs.
Adult nutritional habits were also changing:
- 61% percent are drinking more water and 67% are consuming less fast food and drinking fewer soft drinks.
- 64% are actually eating more fruits or vegetables in addition to participating in the trial.
Full Year Results
A greater number of children and adults report improvements in specific measures of diet and lifestyle after a full year on the program than the number reporting those same improvements after only a few months on the product.
For example:
More than half (56%) of the parents in the survey report that their children have been to the doctor less often after only 4-8 months on the program. This number increases to 63% of respondents who have been on the program for at least a full year.
Similarly, while 49% of the children in the survey are missing less school after a few months on the program, that number grows to 55% of the children after a full year.
Also, 38% of parents note a decrease in prescription or over-the-counter medications the child is taking after a few months on the program, which increases to 42% after a full year.
Three Year Results
After three years on the program, adult participants report that 92% of the children in the survey have become more aware of their health in general and that 97% have some positive result to show for it.
Conclusion: The longer the children are on the program, the greater the benefits.
The table below summarizes key results for both child and adult respondents that have been on the program for 4-8 months, 1 year and 3 years.
Worldwide Results
After 4 - 8 Months After 1 Year After 3 Years
Children Adult Children Adult Children
Eating more fruits & vegetables
53% 64% 59% 69% 70% 79%
Less fast food/ Fewer soft drinks
66% 67% 71% 72% 79% 79%
Taking less prescription or OTC medication
49% 38% 55% 42% 67% 53%
Fewer doctor's visits
56% 44% 63%
49% 74% 61%
Increased awareness of health
82% 83% 86% 88% 92% 93%
Less school or work missed
49% 46% 55% 51% 67% 62%
Positive benefit of some kind
90% 93% 93% 95% 97% 98%
To find out how you and your children can enjoy the same benefits and join this study, please contact us at the practice.